Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Allevaite Menopause with Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Although a large percentage of women have no problems with the menopause, many do experience some discomfort.

Night Sweats

These are best tackled through preventative treatment. Try taking an aromatherapy bath with the relevant oils each night before bedtime. Alternatively, try massaging the oils in a suitable carrier base into the body.

Hot Flushes

Put 20 drops of the same blend of essential oils in 1 litre (1 3/4 pints) of spring water in a screw-topped bottle. For the lid, shake well and transfer some into a purse-size spray and some into a small bottle that you can carry around with you. As soon as you feel a flush coming on, drink two mouthfuls of the water and spray your face and neck. Vitamin E is also said to be effective.

Water Retention and Bloating

To reduce water retention and cellulite, the relevant essential oils should be added to a suitable carrier base and applied daily to the affected areas. The same oils can also be used neat in the bath.

Hair and Skin

The condition of the hair and skin can be affected by the hormonal changes of the menopause. Both will become thinner and drier, and it is a good idea to adapt your daily care regime to compensate.


For hair dryness, use a good conditioner. You may like to add appropriate essential oils to give extra shine. For thinning hair, try a daily scalp massage with essential oils.


This not only becomes drier, but is more prone to wrinkles. Try a product containing essential oils or prepare your own mix.


Occasional and sudden bleeding can occur when you least expect it. Although essential oils can reduce the amount of blood loss, as far as we know, they do not seem to stop it happening. As a preventative measure, try using styptic and/or astringent essential oils if you are prone to haemorrhaging.

Heart and Circulation Problems

In developed countries, arterial disease is the commonest cause of death for women over 50, killing one in four. This is almost twice as high as the death-rate from cancer.

There are as yet no essential oils known to treat problems with the heart, and it is advisable to check with your doctor and your family history to see if you are at risk. In the meantime, you can help to prevent heart and blood-pressure problems by giving up smoking, avoiding fatty foods and drinks high in caffeine, eating a low-cholestrol diet and taking enough regular exercise. There are also some carrier oils reputed to reduce cholestrol levels.

Vaginal Dryness

This can cause both emotional and physical discomfort. There are no known essential oils to increase vaginal fluid. Vitamin E is reputed to improve vaginal secretion, and daily application of sunflower oil all around the vaginal opening may also help.


LaTease Rikard said...

Good information.

Sora said...

This is great and all but, unless I've overlooked something, you neglect to mention what the "relevant essential oils" are. Rather pertinent information, I think.

Also, "Although a large percentage of women have no problems with the menopause, many do experience some discomfort." Oh, please! What exactly do you mean "large percentage"? I don't know any woman who has experienced or is experiencing menopause who hasn't had any problems.